ENabling VISions And Growing Expectations

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    ENVISAGE Families logo

    Parenting is hard work! Parenting a child with a disability brings many new challenges. ENVISAGE-Families (Enabling Visions and Growing Expectations) was our original program. We created it with, and for, parents who are new to childhood disability. ENVISAGE-Families was developed with three goals: (i) to offer parents some ways to understand modern strengths-based ideas about health and development; (ii) to learn how to communicate and collaborate with service providers; and (iii) to connect with other parents in similar life situations. Strong evidence from questionnaires and interviews shows its impact on parents’ sense of empowerment and their confidence in parenting.

    ENVISAGE SP logo

    Building on extensive feedback from parents in the ENVISAGE-Families program, we have now created and are testing ENVISAGE for Service Providers (E-SP). The goals of ENVISAGE-SP are to make ENVISAGE concepts easily accessible to SPs, and offer insights into how SPs can bring these ENVISAGE concepts to life in their clinical work with children with disabilities and their families. E-SP is currently being offered as a research program, with the hope that it can be made widely available once proof of concept has been established.

    Every family experiences parenting their children in a unique way. We hope that the several components of the ENVISAGE program may provide some guidance for those experiences – ideas and insights that will be useful for both families and the service providers with whom they engage. 

    For each Workshop, you will be able to:

    1. Work through the ENVISAGE - Families materials in your own time, which include watching short videos and working through activities.
    2. Join a facilitated discussion with other caregivers of children with a developmental concern or disability, and connect to share ideas and experiences (over 5 sessions, that are typically scheduled weekly but may also be delivered differently depending on the group you join)
    3. Access resources that can help strengthen your capacity to support your child and family
    4. Let us know what think by providing feedback after each workshop

    For each Workshop, you will be able to:

    1. View the Workshop Outline 
    2. Watch the Workshop Videos 
    3. Complete the pre-session Activity Sheets
    4. Access the Zoom Video Conferencing 
    5. Review relevant readings, articles and web pages 
    6. Let us know what you think by providing feedback