ENVISAGE stands for Enabling Visions and Growing Expectations.
The program is a co-designed, evidence-based program for caregivers raising children with growing worries, developmental concerns or disability.
ENVISAGE was co-created by Australian and Canadian researchers, clinicians, and most importantly parents of children with developmental concerns and disabilities.
The program involves a series of five interactive workshops for caregivers in the early stages of parenting a child (or children) with disability or developmental concern.
ENVISAGE aims to empower caregivers like you to feel confident and competent in parenting your child or children with disability, developmental concerns or who are neurodiverse.
With ENVISAGE you can explore strengths-based ideas about health, wellbeing, and development, for your child and your whole family.
Whatever your family looks like. We hope that you feel more connected with supports and other caregivers, and these connections continue after the program.